
Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (FVB)
The mission of the Institute is to perform basic and applied research in the fields of growth, characterization and processing of crystalline matter and to fulfil service tasks for partners and customers in industry and science. Within the project IKZ will be responsible for the overall co-ordination of the project. IKZ will perform structural, optical and compositional characterisation of InGaN/GaN heterostructures at a nanoscopic scale. FVB will contribute to calibrate growth conditions with respect to composition and thickness fluctuations and perform electrical characterisation by Hall, IV- CV measurements.

Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung-Computational Materials Design
The Computational Materials Design Department aims at the development and application of hierarchical and fully parameter-free multiscale methods which will allow to simulate iron, steel and related materials with hitherto unprecedented accuracy. The department is organized in groups which are specialized in methods applicable to specific length and time scales (thermodynamics, microstructure, solidification) and which are closely interlinked by joint method development. Within the project MPIE will contribute to the calculations of the thermodynamics and kinetics of In incorporation on the GaN non-polar, polar, and vicinal surfaces as well as on the incorporation of impurities/dopands of interest on the aforementioned surfaces This will be used to explain and/or guide experimentand will provide an on-atomic scale inside understanding of the MBE growth of In-rich InGaN on miscut, nonpolar and N-polar substrates.

The Paul Drude Institute for Solid State Electronics (PDI)
carries out research in materials science and solid state physics with special emphasis on low-dimensional systems in nanostructured semiconductors. The unique properties of low-dimensional systems are strongly influenced by the structural and energetic peculiarities of interfaces. Therefore, by intentionally adjusting the nature and distribution of internal interfaces in a static and dynamic way, the mechanical, optical, electronic, and magnetic properties of nanostructured solids can be tuned over a wide range by means of materials engineering at the atomic level.

TopGaN Ltd. (TOPGAN)
TopGaN Ltd is a SME that is a spin-off company from the Institute of High Pressure Physics Unipress. The institute still holds around 35 % of TopGaN’s shares, while the rest belong to private investors and technology founders. Besides diodes, TopGaN delivers nitride epilayers used for constructing LEDs, transistors, detectors and many others. For this project TopGaN will supply the GaN substrates for the growth (WP1), investigate the methods for preparation epiready substrates for MBE growth (WP1), grow the InGaN, InAlGaN layers and quantum structures (WP2), perform standard characterization of structures and devices (WP3), process test device structures (WP5) and model the growth and device structures (WP4)



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